Peter DamenCoach | Careercoach : P-Coaching & Career

Dutch version vlag engeland  

I have a lot of experience in education ( English). I found out that guiding and helping my students is what attracted me most in the whole education process. So I decided to follow up in courses of Coaching, Counselling and Career coaching.
In our practice I have dealt with all sorts of problems, ranging from practical issues of not being able to find a suitable job to finding out what obstructions people met in dealing with other people. It is not always obvious at the start what exactly is the problem. What clients come with is the wish to make a change in a certain situation. “I don’t want this anymore”
Then we set to work, what is it that you do want. What is keeping you from that? These may seem futile questions, but they’re the hardest to answer! Many people are not aware of their full potential, over the years we have become comfortable with the roles we assume in life. There’s nothing wrong with that, but we grow. At some point we realise that ‘this is not me’. Now here is a time for change. I can help you with that change. I use several methods to help clients get insight into their personal coping system, then it is up to the client him/herself ! If you think this is easy I will have to disappoint you, it’s not. But, I will be there to guide and accompany you on your journey through your deeper knowledge and activate your own inner strength that has already brought you so much.

How it works:

First: An Intake, here we talk about your reasons for coming to me. We find out if we make a match, in the sessions we talk about a lot of things and I expect full insight, but that means you have to trust me wholeheartedly, so we establish our playing field in this intake. If we continue you will get a list of things to fill in, I need that for my files and it’s a demand from my professional association ( NOLOC)

Next, once decided that we continue, I’ll give you homework.. The number of times we are going to meet is not exactly known. Three to six sessions is quite common, but there is no fixed number. You are a unique person with a unique question. I don’t believe in a standardised series of conversations, what I do is listen to what is said and, most important, to what is not said. After every session we talk about what was said, what you have learnt, where to go from now. You are the client, you set the course. 

If you have read this all the way to this point I ‘m pretty confident that you are really interested and look forward to our first contact!


P-Coaching & Therapie
Visseringlaan 23
2288 ER Rijswijk 
1e verdieping, Gang C
na de trap/lift, naar rechts
ruimte 1.13